BUTTERFLY SKIN (Epidermolysis bullosa - EB)

We help you solve your doubts.
These are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

Epidermolysis bullosa is a rare, genetic and currently incurable condition that causes extreme fragility of the skin, leading to painful open wounds and blistering. This can also affect the internal linings and organs leading to lifelong disability and severe pain.

EB is inherited from parents through a faulty gene: people with EB lack the essential protein that binds the skin together.

Symptoms are varied depending on the type of EB.
The lightest touch can cause blistering and painful open wounds. Blistering on hands and feet can cause the fingers and toes to fuse together causing problems with walking and other daily activities. Widespread blistering makes the skin vulnerable to infection and skin cancer. In severe cases the blistering can cover the entire body and internal organs.

EB is not contagious and cannot be passed on through contact.